Trial Practice
In 2011, the Division expanded its trial
practice and won an unprecedented 21
consecutive defense verdicts. Noteworthy
cases include the following:
C H I E F M u r i e l G o o d e -Tr u f a n t
DEPUTY Heidi Grossman
DEPUT Y Patricia Miller
DEPUTY Frances Sands
The Special Federal Litigation Division defends the City and its
employees in civil rights cases brought in federal court against law
enforcement officials, including police officers, correction officers,
and prosecutors. Claims often challenge a judgment made by an
individual police or correction officer in performing his or her duties,
Police Department policies as to how best to secure public safety, or
Department of Correction policies regarding the care and custody
of individuals detained by the criminal justice system. Pending cases
include a wide range of factual circumstances from the policing of
large-scale public events to the justification for an individual arrest.
Hernandez Subway Stabbing Case
Attorneys secured a win in this case,
involving a man who stabbed a police
of?cer and then sued for excessive
force. Hugo Hernandez was stopped by
a police of?cer for smoking on a subway
platform, and he responded by stabbing
the of?cer in the head. In defense, the
of?cer ?red shots which hit Hernandez.
Nearby of?cers who heard the shots
responded and arrested Hernandez, who
tried to ?ee. The jury determined the
of?cers used reasonable force to make
the arrest, and Hernandez is serving a
20-year sentence for the attack.
Man Who Killed a Police Of?cer Sues
The Division won a lawsuit brought
by Lee Woods—who is serving a life
sentence for his role in the murder of
Police Of?cer Russel Timoshenko. Woods
alleged that he was beaten unconscious
by ?ve correction of?cers on Riker’s
Island and woke up in a pool of blood.
Video from a security camera revealed
that Woods threw food at the of?cers
and refused to let them take him out of
his intake cell. He continued to struggle
with of?cers after he was removed and
punched an of?cer in the face. Woods
sustained minor injuries as of?cers tried
to subdue him. Footage from another
camera showed him walking and clearly
conscious and then casually standing
in his cell.
Suit Over Police Informant Death
Attorneys secured a jury verdict i ?)???
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