-1 out of every 8 people on earth are on Facebook
-9 out of 10 US internet users are on a social network
-1 of 5 minutes spent online is on a social network
-In one minute, we produce: 694,980 status updates, 532,080 Tweets.
-Average number of friends in real life: 150
-Average number of friends on Facebook: 245
-Why people add friends:
Know in real life=82% Mutual friends=60%Appearance=29% Business Networks=11%
-250 million photos are updated daily, and 30% of users tag themselves in photos
-Talking about ourselves activates the regions of the brain associated with the sense of satisfaction from food, money, or sex.
-Half of all users compare themselves to others when they view photos or status updates.
-As people spend more time on Facebook, they start to believe that others have a better life than they do.
-People with high levels of narcissism or low levels of self-esteem spend more than an hour a day on Facebook.
Interesting Statistics and Facts
from Hyperbot (Hisham Dahud, http://www.hypebot.com/hypebot/2012/08/the-psychology-of-social-networking-infographic.html):
Written By: Helen Choe