G3 Magazine/movies/ Maleficent
Inadvertently tell Aurora of her
parentage and of Maleficent’s true
identity, and a furious Aurora
runs away to her father. After
her father locks her away for safe
keeping, the curse starts to put
Aurora in an eternal sleeping
trance. She is drawn to the dungeon, where the curse assembles a
spinning wheel. Aurora pricks her
finger and falls asleep. Maleficent
sets out to go and find Phillip, and
intends abducts him in order to
save the life of Aurora with the
kiss of true love. But as they infiltrate the castle of Stefan, they only
seem to find that the kiss didn’t
work. Maleficent apologizes to the
princess and swears no harm
G3 Magazine
will come to her, kissing Aurora’s
forehead. This causes Aurora to
awaken. Maleficent’s curse has
been broken as her motherly concern for Aurora constitutes “true
love”!! Aurora accepts her apology and attempts to flee the castle
with Maleficent. On their way out
Maleficent is trapped with an iron
net and attacked by Stefan and his
guards, she then transforms her
crow friend Diaval into a dragon.
He then lifts the net from her,
but only to be found pushed back
by the guards. One last attempt
shows that Stefan has beaten her
and taunts her before killing her,
her wings appear and reattach
themselves to her body. They were
freed from the castles chamber my Aurora, Maleficent over
powers Stefan but again can’t get
herself to kill him! Instead she
declares that their feud is over.
But Stefan stubborn as he is, tries
to kill her one more time and
plummets to his death. Aurora
is crowned queen of the human
and faerie realms by Maleficent,
unifying the two kingdoms with
Phillip at her side. The narrator
reveals her identity as “the one
they called the Sleeping Beauty”.
-Damen Nel