G3 Magazine/movies/NOAH
My overall feeling of the movie is
not good, the facts are all wrong
and once again the watchers
doesn’t do it for me. Noah is a
good biblical demonstration of
God’s covenant after the destructiveness of the world, His love
is steadfast and in this movie I
don’t see it as much. Aronofsky
has his own idea of Noah that
not as fact based as it should be.
Aronofsky first discussed about
Noah with The Guardian in April
2007, Aronofsky explained that he
saw Noah as “a dark, complicated
character” who experiences “real
survivor’s guilt” after the flood.
Noah has also been the subject of
controversy with Christians who
take issue with how the story
as been portrayed. Ken Ham and
Ray Comfort, both young earth
creationists, objected to the film,
with the latter apologist creating
his own documentary, Noah and
the Last Days as a response. The
director angered many in the religious community by stating that
his version of “Noah” as the “least
biblical film ever made.”Despite
a few references to “The Creator”, some still disliked the movie
because God is not mentioned by
name. Jerry Johnson, president
of the National Religious Broadcasters, did not like the director’s
description of Noah as the “first
environmentalist”. Johnson called
the film’s “insertion of the extremist environmental agenda” a
major concern. Under pressure
from Christian religious groups,
Paramount Pictures added a disclaimer to marketing materials in
February 2014, saying:
“The film is inspired by the story
of Noah. While artistic license has
been taken, we believe that this
film is true to the essence, values
and integrity of a story that is a
cornerstone of faith for millions
of people worldwide. The biblical
story of Noah can be found in the
book of Genesis.”
I will rate the movie an overall 6
out of 10.
-Zante’ Fouche’
G3 Magazine