G3 Magazine/movies/NOAH
and Shem attacks Noah. As
they fight, the Ark hits a mountain, and Ham kills Tubal-Cain.
Noah seizes Ila’s twins, but
spares them upon perceiving
their innocence. When they
exit the ark, Noah goes into
isolation in a nearby cave,
where he is discovered by his
sons. Having reconciled with all
but Ham (who departs alone),
Noah blesses the family as the
beginning of a new human
race, and witness a rainbow.
What is these “watchers
revealed in the Noah movie? Well
they are rock like creatures, that
in my opinion has no place in a
biblical,inspired movie. They have
said to be building the ark in this
movie, and we all clearly know
that Noah build the ark on God’s
direct specifications. This “watchers” really is one of the reasons
that I don’t like this movie at all!
I think the creators of this movie
wanted a more visually appealing
movie for more younger viewers.
G3 Magazine