G20 Foundation Publications Turkey 2015 | Page 50

50 ENERGY ENERGIES 2050: TOGETHER FOR A SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FUTURE Energy: at the forefront of our common future. Transforming constraints into opportunities Many changes should be implemented in order to overcome this situation, and urgent action is needed. The transition to be applied must be global and combine three essential and inextricably linked pillars, namely energy sobriety, energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources. Nothing could be worse than giving in to the apparent fatalities. Thus, no potential failure should even be considered. The challenges are big but opportunities are even bigger, and all together, we can move collectively towards a model of development that is consistent with the limitations of our small planet’s resources, ensuring the welfare of all. Stéphane POUFFARY works in the international cooperation field since more than 25 years. He is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder Honorary President of ENERGIES 2050. As media feed us every day with new alarming figures about the situation around the world, it becomes clear that our societies are facing an unprecedented crisis, challenging us collectively on our current development model. In this context, issues of population growth, urbanization, depletion of natural resources, societal wellness, climate change, poverty eradication, etc., take on a new dimension. At the heart of these challenges, the need for rethinking our current energy system can no longer be ignored. Our consumption and production models, based on an unbridled energy consumption and relying mainly on fossil fuels, are responsible for a number of economic and social imbalances as well as environmental impacts, which only grow stronger with the increasing energy demand It is with this vision that ENERGIES 2050 was created and to this end that our team is working every day, in France and in over fifty countries, in order to build together a sustainable future. An informal network since 2007 and later an international non-governmental and non-profit organization since 2011, ENERGIES 2050 is committed to demonstrate that our wrong trajectories of development can be fixed. The Great Transition concept is at the heart of ENERGIES 2050’s activities. Great Transition means a shift towards a more humane, plural and united society, bringing peace and respecting the common goods of humanity. ENERGIES 2050’s activities are organized around five complementary pillars: • Implementation of demonstrative and replicable projects, accompanied by technical studies and research in order to provide an evidence base for innovative approaches; • Organizing and participating in workshops, round tables and conferences, to maximize opportunities for debate and experience-sharing; • Publishing research and project results, to bring together and share knowledge; • Education, training and capacity-building so that everyone can have the information and knowledge necessary to act; • Communicating to a large audience in order to inform, inspire and mobilize. ENERGIES 2050’s actions and research simultaneously take place at local level – as the anchorage point for implementing and testing new approaches – and global level, since the idea is to share and spread successful experiences while learning from mistakes. 2015 is an important year in our collective history, especially with the adoption of the Post-2015 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, also with the international climate agreement that must be adopted in Paris in the end of the year during COP21, the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In this context, ENERGIES 2050 wants to be a source of inspiration and has therefore initiated, or is involved in, several international initiatives where energy is a cornerstone, including: - The Francophonie’s Initiative for Sustainable Cities, cofounded by ENERGIES 2050 and the Institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (IFDD, subsidiary organ of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, which gathers 80 states and governments). The Initiative aims to provide cities with a range of solutions that they can apply and adapt according to their priorities and context, as part of a systemic approach and long-term vision. As an example of concrete action, a module “Training on the challenges of energy transition for professionals of the construction and building sector and urban planning” is being delivered since 2011 throughout 14 African countries in partnership with the African School of Architecture and Urban Professions (EAMAU). - ethiCarbon®, a global carbon initiative created by ENERGIES 2050, provides a comprehensive and ethical approach to reducing GHG emissions through carbon offset projects that are combined with social solidarity and development activities aiming to engage everyone in a long term vision. The ethiCarbon® initiative is designed for all types of stakeholders willing to limit their