G20 Foundation Publications China 2016 | Page 14

TRADE & FINANCE TRADE AS A FORCE FOR GOOD ROBERTO AZEVÊDO Director-General of the WTO 14 Amidst the recent fl ood of rhetoric about trade, I think it's crucial that we remember one fact: trade has the potential to change people's lives for the better. Trade was a driving force behind the rapid growth and prosperity enjoyed by many developed countries since the Second World War, and it continues to support those economies today. Meanwhile, the benefi ts of trade have also begun to reach people in less-developed economies. Over the past quarter century, one billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty. Around two-thirds of that poverty reduction came from economic growth in developing countries – with trade acting as an important driver.  Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that trade is not perceived so positively in many constituencies. There are a number of specifi c concerns which are often raised. They must be heard and responded to if we are to ensure that trade keeps delivering the economic gains of which history shows it is capable.  For example, we must recognize that while the benefi ts of trade are spread across the economy, the eff ects of increased competition can hit specifi c communities hard. We need to put more focus on how governments can mitigate those impacts. We must also rectify the perception that imports make jobs disappear. Actually, the vast majority of jobs are lost because of new technologies and increased productivity. In addition, we need to address the perception that trade only favours the big companies. This is not true, but there's no doubt that trading internationally is normally much more costly and diffi cult for small enterprises. We need to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to trade – not least as they are huge job creators, accounting for around 90% of the workforce in many countries.  In responding to these concerns, we need to promote a well-informed,  calm and balanced debate, and we