G20 Foundation Publications China 2016 | Page 112

FIGHTING CORRUPTION SECURING DEVELOPMENT FUNDS FOR A POVERTY- FREE ASIA CLARE WEE Head Office of Anticorruption and Integrity, Asian Development Bank 112 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) strongly believes that weak governance and corruption hurt the poor most. Despite robust economic growth in Asia and the Pacific over recent years, the region remains home to half the world’s poor or those who live on $1.90 a day or less. The misuse and redirection of development funds from their intended purpose will significantly impact ADB’s ability to deliver its mandate of a poverty-free region. ADB has a long history of fighting corruption. As early as 1998, it had developed an anticorruption policy with three objectives: (i) supporting competitive markets and efficient and transparent public administration; (ii) bolstering anticorruption efforts and quality of dialogue with developing member countries; and, (iii) ensuring that ADB projects and staff adhere to the highest ethical standards. To meet the third objective, in 2009 ADB established the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI, replacing a previous integrity unit that had been in place since 1998. OAI’s mandate is underpinned by ADB’s zero tolerance for corruption. It is aligned with ADB’s broader commitment to combat