G20 Foundation Publications Australia 2014 | Page 92

HEALTHCARE 47 and Control of NCDs have also been established strengthening the global architecture to deal with the challenges of prevention and control of NCDs .
A high-level meeting took place at the United Nations on 10 and 11 July 2014 to review the progress achieved in the prevention and control of NCDs since the political declaration of September 2011 . The outcome document of this review highlights the fact that progress in prevention and control of NCDs at the country level has been insufficient and uneven . At this review , countries have reaffirmed their committments to Integrate NCDs into health planning and national development plans , set national targets and develop national multisectoral plans by 2015 and to implement policies and interventions to reduce NCD risk factors and reorient health systems to address NCDs through primary health care and universal health coverage by 2016 3 . Countries are required to report on the progress in attaining the global targets using the Global Monitoring Framework , starting in 2015 . United Nations will convene a third high-level meeting on NCDs in 2018 to take stock of progress in countries .
There is committment and there is no shortage of affordable interventions . Progress is hampered by lack of resources and limitation in the capacity of countries to address the complex challenges of prevention and control of NCDs . More resources need to be generated through domestic and external sources as well as through innovative financing . Country capacity for prevention and control of NCDs need to be strengthened including that of Ministries of Health to provide overall leadership ; sectors outside health such as finance , transport , agriculture and social services to address social and environmental determinants of risk factors of NCDs ; public health institutions for surveillance and monitoring ; health workforce to deliver services effectively particularly in primary care and academia for implementation research .
Whereas the member states have the primary responsibility , in meeting the committments made by countries , other stakeholders have a critical part to play in supporting national efforts . These include International Agencies , bilateral and multilateral donors , philanthropic foundations , development agencies , civil society and the commercial sector . The specific roles of different stakholders are clearly idenitifed in the Global Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases . Accountability of all stakeholders in supporting national efforts will be critical in reversing the rising trend of noncommunicable diseases in all countries . ■
Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable disease 2013- 2020 ( WHA 66.10 ). Geneva : World Health Organization ; 2013 .
http :// apps . who . int / gb / ebwha / pdf _ fi les / WHA66 / A66 _ R10-en . pdf
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 66 / 2 . Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases .
http :// daccess-dds-ny . un . org / doc / UNDOC / GEN / N11 / 458 / 94 / PDF / N1145894 . pdf ? OpenElement
United Nations General Assembly Resolution A / 68 / L . 53 Outcome document of the highlevel meeting of the General Assembly on the comprehensive review and assessment of the progress achieved in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
http :// www . un . org / ga / search / view _ doc . asp ? symbol = A / 68 / L . 53 & L