G-Mag July 2013 | Page 23

Are you ever anxious that your next movie might not reach the expectations of your fans?

Yes(sighs) According to Sabaresh, we didn’t expect this. He is already packed with a few more scripts, so let’s see…….

Were you imitating your professor along the way?

No No (laughs a lot) we were taking a general approach. We were studying the professors we had and also the student interaction with them. We were inspired by ourselves and how we took the viva during our student-life. So we came together and Voila ViVa happened.

The team is currently in Hyderabad to talk to agents regarding ViVa’s future prospects. We at the G-Mag wish Sampath, Jaswanth and the team good luck on their road to success.

As told by Jaswanth and Sampath to Shyam tenali.

Haven't seen it yet?