Why Nicolas Tesla is the greatest geek that ever lived?
First off, before we talk about geeks, one must get a clear understanding as to how they function. Geeks stay up all night disassembling the world so that they can put it back together with some new features. They tinker and fix things that aren’t broken. Geeks abandon the world around them because they are busy soldering a new one. They obsess, fantasize and even in most cases suffer.
over one hundred years ago, there lived a superman suited up like the rest of us. This Serbian-American innovator started stripping down things that aren’t broken. In a time, when the majority of the world was still lit by candle power, an electrical system known as “alternating current” was invented and to this day actively powers most appliances in your house.
So who do we thank for this break-through innovation? Ding-Dong, that’s right. Nikola Tesla.
“Hey but I thought Edison was the father of the electrical age “–Everyone.
When most of you picture Edison, you all imagine the electric bulb. Alva Edison did not invent the bulb; he merely improved upon the ideas of 22 men who pioneered in the same field before him. Edison simply figured how to sell the bulb commercially.
Frankly, Tesla worked for Edison early in his career. Edison offered to pay him the modern equivalent of a million dollars to fix problems he faced with his DC generators and motors. Tesla did fix his problem, but when he asked Alva for the promised sum, he laughed it off and said:
“Tesla! You still don’t understand the American humor.”