It’s not always your fault that you end up in an accident, right? When you ask your parents what worries them when you take the car/bike out for a spin they’ll say:
‘It’s not your driving that I do not trust, but it’s the other rascals on the road I’m worried about.'
Right now, we all are in an identical phase. Academics, new experiences, exposure to different cultures, crude curiosity, relationships, parental pressure and the constant battle with one’s self to make the right decisions. The quality of life is that it has something or the other to offer against all the decisions you make. Good, or bad! This is the age to party, to freak out, not to worry and to live life to the fullest. Not at the cost of putting your life in jeopardy. When you sit down to make a decision, examine the pros and cons of all the options you have. And the simple logic behind choosing the right option is by choosing the toughest option.
Even if it means a tad bit lesser partying!
At the same time, it’s not a wrong thing to decide the other way round. When you make a mistake in life, you have to grow up to a position never to repeat it again. Learn from all the bad things that you’ve done. Remember one thing, if you scrutinize the experience levels of a successful person who hasn’t committed a mistake EVER and a failure who is trying harder and harder everytime he ends up in fiasco, the bar is very high in the case of a failure.
It’s because he has seen what the successful person hasn’t. He has tasted bitterness everytime he tried. He put his brain to work and developed new ways of winning. He has faced the accusations. He broke down. He gave up. He plunged back, and kept on trying. When a person with experience in so many domains corrects his mistakes, doesn’t repeat them and has faith in himself, he is bound to be a winner anytime soon.