FYI April 2014 Apr. 2014 | Page 10

CHAMBER OLYMPICS THE GRE THE GREATE A b 1934 2014 m me e rrc e ce TE EA E AR OE AREA NRO NR Ch The Leadership Montgomery County Class of 2014 recently explored healthcare in Montgomery County at their Healthcare Session, hosted and sponsored by Conroe Regional Medical Center. Session Directors Linda Nelson and Debbie Sukin welcomed the class to the session and gave an overview of the day’s events before Walter Wilkerson, Jr., MD presented the history of healthcare in Montgomery County. Freddy Warner presented the class with legislative healthcare updates both on a local and national level. The class then got a look into the issues facing hospital CEOs in Pictured L to R: Sarah Rhea, Executive Director of Leadership Montgomery Montgomery County with County; Melinda Stephenson, CEO of Kingwood Medical Center; Matt Davis, the CEO panel, consisting CEO of Conroe Regional Medical Center; Debbie Sukin, CEO of St. Luke’s The Woodlands and St. Luke’s Lakeside Hospitals; Steve Sanders, CEO of Memorial of Matt Davis of Conroe Hermann The Woodlands Hospital; and LMC Board Member and Session Regional Medical Director Linda Nelson of Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital. Center, Steve Sanders of Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital, Melinda Stephenson of Kingwood Medical Center and Debbie Sukin of St. Luke’s The Woodlands and Lakeside Hospitals. Each CEO spoke on a different topic, giving insight to real concerns and issues they face. After a tour of Conroe Regional Medical Center, the class learned about the role other healthcare resources play in the community from Dr. Ann Snyder of Interfaith Community Clinic, Cindy Sunday Powell of Pregnancy Assistance Center North, Rosie Valadez McStay of Texas Children’s Hospital and Dr. Stephen McKernan of Lone Star Family Health Center. Next, the class heard from a panel discussing emergency services that included Randy Johnson of Montgomery County Hospital District, Evan Roberson of Tri-County Services, Jamie Ferrell of Memorial Hermann Healthcare System and Cindy Johnson of Conroe Regional Medical Center. The day ended with the Leadership Development Series sponsored by Starzyk & Associates. Leadership Montgomery County (LMC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, dedicated to developing and enhancing current and future leaders of Montgomery County. The goal of the program is to educate and inform candidates about major community issues, while inspiring and motivating individuals to exercise their leadership skills to benefit the community. LMC is a joint project of the Greater Conroe/Lake Conroe Area Chamber of Commerce and The Woodlands Area Chamber of Commerce. The Greater Magnolia Chamber of Commerce, the Community Chamber of East Montgomery County and the Montgomery County Hispanic Chamber are also participating Chambers in the LMC program. Participants are chosen by application process in June of each year. For more information about Leadership Montgomery County, please visit E/ NRO E / LAKE RO LA KE CO COON CO RRC m Cha am Leadership Montgomery County Class Gets Insight into Healthcare in Montgomery County 1934 2014 b ee r o f C o m r o Com f The Greater Conroe/Lake Conroe Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the 2014 Chamber Olympics. For more information and to register your team, go online to or contact Angela Storseth (936) 756-7111 |[email protected] Start here. Transfer anywhere. “Starting at LSC-Montgomery allowed me to study under world-class faculty and earn my degree debt free.” — Ellie Bledsoe, ’10 Interdisciplinary Studies, University of HoustonDowntown, ’12 Open Doors