FY2019 Arlington Fire Department Annual Report FY 2019 | Page 32
Arlington Firefighter Safety is directly related to:
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Command Decision Making
Adherence to Safety Policy and Procedures
Fire Commanders ensure these key safety factors are being addressed before, during, and after all
emergency incidents. It is the AFD way.
Safety is the core principle of the Arlington Fire Department. Our organization is serious about training.
We take the old saying "Practice like you play" to heart. We take the time and effort to recognize the
specialized needs of our community and to prepare for all possible situations, with one exception: NO
During an active incident, AFD uses strong command and control procedures. We are a National
Incident Management Systems (NIMS) organization which means we use nationally recognized and
federally approved protocol when managing an active scene. We are also compliant with the National
Fire Protection Association (NFPA 1500) standards when responding to a call that is considered
"Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health" (IDLH). In this event, we adhere to a strict "Two-In, Two-
Out" rule. This provision requires at least two firefighters enter the (IDLH) atmosphere and remain in
visual or voice contact with each other at all times and that at least two firefighters be located outside
the IDLH atmosphere, thus the term "two-in, two-out."
In addition to these response protocols, AFD provides our members with the latest technology and
equipment to do their jobs efficiently and safely.
This equipment includes but is not limited to:
▸ ▸ Air Packs
▸ ▸ Radios
▸ ▸ Mobile Data Computers
▸ ▸ Ballistics Vests
▸ ▸ Specialized Detection, Protection, and Rescue Equipment
32 ▸ ▸ Firefighting gear and Fire apparatus