FY2018 Arlington Fire Department Annual Report FY 2018 | Page 13
The Department reviewed and analyzed current literature, industry best practices, and our internal Occupational Safety
and Health (OSH) Committee data concerning fire ground exposure to toxic and cancer-
causing agents. One outcome of this analysis was an investment in improving the availability
of clean structural firefighting clothing and equipment (PPE) and clean air with our self-
contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
A stakeholder group researched and developed new PPE specifications for firefighting
clothing, and a new vendor contract is in progress. The
Department also purchased additional SCBA units to increase
our available inventory and for rapid replacement, and made
significant investments in facility infrastructure to provide PPE
washing appliances and SCBA air fill stations to most fire
stations. Of the Department’s 17 stations, 12 have their own
SCBA air fill station and PPE washing appliance. Four other
stations will have washing appliances and all members have
access to clean air and PPE 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
SCBA Air Fill System
PPE Washing