FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report | Page 5


Trey Yelverton City Manager
Dear Reader ,
Welcome to the City of Arlington ’ s Popular Annual Financial Report ( PAFR ) for Fiscal Year 2022 . We consider this the City ’ s annual report to our shareholders - the citizens of Arlington . This report provides our residents with key financial information from Fiscal Year 2022 and specific examples of how we have used our resources in the work we do for you each day .
We track our performance , like any large corporation , through internal and external benchmarks . As examples , last year , we saw an 84 % increase in ridership for our on-demand VIA rideshare public transportation service , 20 % more fire prevention inspections at local businesses , and a significant increase in the number of return events at our Esports & Expo Center .
Wallet Hub ranked the City of Arlington as the best run city in Texas for the third time in 2022 . The City was also recognized for outstanding accomplishments by groups like the American Public Works Association , the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies , the International Code Council and the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences .
The City has met the challenges we faced in 2022 as we continued our recovery from the pandemic . Working together , our residents and employees have demonstrated remarkable resilience and have achieved successes for which we should all feel proud . Financially , strong revenue rebounds ; careful and cautious spending decisions ; significant federal grant funding ; and the availability of one-time funding converged in FY22 to create multiple opportunities to address our needs , while making enduring investments in our future , even as we continued to reduce the property tax burden on our residents .
Going forward , as we examine , evaluate and evolve , you — as a Resident of Arlington — should continue to expect that your quality of life remains our priority . We face the future with great confidence in our strategy , our competencies and our people . There are so many reasons to believe Arlington ’ s future is bright .
I am honored to present this report , and I hope it helps you become more informed about how your local government is working for you .
Sincerely ,
Trey Yelverton , City Manager Trey . Yelverton @ ArlingtonTX . gov 817-459-6101
Popular Annual Financial Report FY22 City of Arlington , Texas