FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report | Page 30


The City Council ’ s six strategic priorities , Build Unity , Champion Great Neighborhoods , Enhance Regional Mobility , Invest in Our Economy , Leverage Technology , and Support Youth and Families , remain unchanged for FY23 . Each year , projects are planned , and funding is allocated with the goal of ultimately achieving these Council Priorities .
In FY23 , the City continues its commitment to implementing the recommendations of the Unity Council . In July 2022 , the City hired its first Chief Equity Officer ; this role is essential in advancing the work to eliminate disparity in Arlington . The planned projects address a broad range of topics such as affordable housing , food availability , internet access and police relations .
Great neighborhoods contribute to a higher quality of life and greater investment in our economy . In FY23 , the City will focus on increasing community engagement and volunteer support – engaged communities are strong communities . Work will continue in developing a sense of space in downtown Arlington as the Rotary Dream Park will begin Phase I in FY23 . The masterplan of the new park will allow for an interactive experience and a gathering point for residents and visitors to Downtown Arlington .
Arlington recognizes the importance of providing adequate roadway , bicycle , pedestrian and aviation infrastructure to ensure residents and visitors can travel safely and efficiently . Beginning in FY23 , the City will shift from its previous “ Worst First ” street condition philosophy to a prevention-based philosophy that will emphasize the maintenance of “ yellow ” streets − those streets with a rating 50-69 − as well as continuing to address the “ red ” streets through the Capital Improvement Program . With an additional focus on preventative maintenance , the target is to reduce the FY22 baseline to prolong the life of the roadways and achieve a more balanced network .
Economic development plays an important role in the vitality of Arlington ’ s economy . The City will continue to pursue economic development efforts that aim to bring employment , entertainment and educational opportunities to our community while reducing the tax burden for our homeowners .
Leveraging technology continues to be an area of focus for the city . Technology touches all parts of the city life - our organization , residents and businesses . Significant investments in the management of the city ’ s data , implementation of new technology and increasing convenience for the customer are planned for FY23 . New projects include a Police Department Law Enforcement Internal Records and Performance Solution and Public Works Storm Drain Hydrology .