FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report | Page 27

MAJOR TAXPAYERS ( in thousands ) General Motors Oncor Electric Delivery S2 Forest Ridge LP / S2 Manchester / Valencia LLC United Parcel Service Inc . Arlington Highlands , LLP BMF IV TX
2022 $ 298,911 $ 226,403 $ 210,578 $ 163,335 $ 162,975 $ 157,900
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS ( in thousands ) 2022 2021 2020
All Funds Assets and Deferred Outflows Liabilities and Deferred Inflows Net Position
$ 5,059,800
$ 2,158,953
$ 2,900,847
$ 4,799,445
$ 1,951,261
$ 2,848,184
$ 4,883,098
$ 2,112,331
$ 2,770,767
Revenues Governmental activities Business-type activities Total
$ 512,730 $ 218,576 $ 731,306
$ 490,243 $ 195,119
$ 685,362
$ 798,944 $ 189,763 $ 988,707
Expenses Governmental activities Business-type activities Total
Infrastructure Assets ( Net of Depreciation ) Governmental activities Business-type activities Total
$ 547,303
$ 131,340 $ 678,643
$ 305,485 $ 762,875
$ 1,068,360
$ 475,053
$ 132,892 $ 607,945
$ 310,802 $ 760,752
$ 1,071,554
$ 472,055
$ 126,554
$ 598,609
$ 317,810 $ 751,538
$ 1,069,348
Fund Balance
General Fund Nonspendable Committed Assigned Unassigned
Debt Service Fund ( restricted )
$ 1,895
- $ 73,876 $ 6,645 $ 60,305
$ 2,314
- $ 60,554 $ 24,400 $ 38,067
$ 2,165 -
$ 57,207 $ 11,238 $ 63,286
Long-Term Debt Outstanding Governmental activities Business-type activities Special purpose Total
$ 674,046 $ 394,689 $ 570,486 $ 1,639,221
$ 635,208 $ 392,348 $ 569,296
$ 1,596,852
$ 646,151 $ 355,879 $ 616,494
$ 1,618,524
Potential Liability / Asset - TMRS Funded Unfunded /( Overfunded ) Percent funded
$ 1,563,081 ($ 119,522 ) 108.28 %
$ 1,401,065 ($ 26,844 )
101.95 %
$ 1,176,741 $ 140,590
89.33 %
Other Post-Employment Benefit Liability Liability
$ 130,293
$ 132,380
$ 115,630
Popular Annual Financial Report FY22 City of Arlington , Texas