FY 2017 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2017 Popular Annual Financial Report | Page 21

Accounting Terminology General Fund: The chief operating fund of the City Enterprise Funds: Water, Sewer and Stormwater Utilities funded by fees charged to users Capital Outlay: Funds spent to purchase or construct buildings, machinery, vehicles, etc. Total Fund Balance: The difference between assets and deferred outflow of resources and liabilities and deferred inflow of resources of a fund Nonspendable Fund Balance: The portion of fund balance that cannot be spent because the underlying resources are not in spendable form Restricted Fund Balance: The portion of fund balance that represents resources subject to externally enforceable constraints Committed Fund Balance: The portion of fund balance that represents resources whose use is subject to legally binding constraints imposed by the City itself Assigned Fund Balance: The portion of fund balance set aside by the City for a particular purpose Unassigned Fund Balance: The difference between total fund balance and its nonspendable, restricted, committed and assigned components Government-wide: The City as a whole Governmental Activities: The City’s basic services such as Police, Fire, Public Works and Parks, which are mostly funded by property tax, sales tax and franchise fees Infrastructure Assets: Stationary assets of the City that include streets, sidewalks, water, sewer and drainage systems Net Pension Liability: The difference between the total pension liability (the present value of projected benefit payments to employees based on their past service) and the assets (mostly investments reported at fair value) set aside in a trus t and restricted to paying benefits to current employees, retirees, and their beneficiaries Net Position: The difference between assets and deferred outflow of resources and liabilities and deferred inflow of resources for the City as a whole TMRS: Texas Municipal Retirement System FY17 Important Facts Trend Variances Founded 1884 Incorporated 1887 County Tarrant Assessed Property Values $21.3 billion City Tax Rate $0.6398 per $100 valuation Sales Tax (in thousands) $105,352 • The City’s increase in total net position of $22.6 million for the year was $52.1 million lower than the $74.7-million increase in net position reported last year. The increase in the current year is primarily related to increased revenues in excess of expenses in the City’s business-type activities as well as an overall increase in the net investment in capital assets compared to the prior period. The Water and Sewer and Stormwater Utility’s net position increased by $26 million in fiscal year 2017 compared to $26 million in fiscal year 2016. • Governmental activities revenue increased compared to the prior year, rising overall by 4.4%. Sales and property tax revenue accounted for the majority of the increase this year compared to last. • Overall, expenditures increased approximately $30.9 million (6.5%) from the prior year. Growth over all categories is primarily attributed to increased pension expenses. In addition, in all categories (other than interest and fiscal charges) there were salary increases ranging from 4.2% to 8.4%. Higher expenses in business-type activities were primarily for the cost of purchasing water and sewage treatment. • The 2017 General Fund assigned fund balance was $61.6 million with $.03 million unassigned, an overall slight increase in the aggregate from prior year. In 2016, the comparable balances were $60.9 million and $.48 million. Fund balance assignment changes in the General Fund include increases in encumbrances, working capital and subsequent years’ expenses of $.28 million, $.34 million and $.30 million, respectively. Decreases in Park Performance and unassigned funds balance of $.08 million and $.45 million were also noted. • Total debt of $719.8 million increased $23.2 million during the year. Debt issues in 2017 include $58.4 million in Permanent Improvement Bonds and $18.2 million in Permanent Improvement Refunding bonds, $6.1 million in Combination Tax and Revenue Certificate of Obligation Bonds, $110.2 million in Senior Lien Special Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, $40.3 million in Water and Wastewater System Revenue bonds, $9M in Municipal Drainage Utility System Revenue Bonds, and $4.8 million bonds related to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Clean and Drinking Water Programs. Bond principal payments for 2017 total $224 million on existing obligations with an additional $128.4 million in principal refunded. Exclusive of special venue debt, City of Arlington debt is allocated 63% for general government, with the remaining 37% to water, wastewater and stormwater activities. Popular Annual Financial Report | 21