FY 2013 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2013 Popular Annual Financial Report | Page 21
Accounting Terminology
General Fund The chief operating fund of
the City
Enterprise Funds Water, Sewer and Storm
Water Utilities funded by fees charged to
Capital Outlay Funds spent to purchase or
construct buildings, machinery, vehicles,
Total Fund Balance The difference between
assets and liabilities of a fund
Nonspendable Fund Balance The portion
of fund balance that cannot be spent
because the underlying resources are not
in spendable form
Restricted Fund Balance The portion of fund
balance that represents resources subject
to externally enforceable constraints
Committed Fund Balance The portion of fund
balance that represents resources whose
use is subject to legally binding constraints
imposed by the City itself
Assigned Fund Balance The portion of
fund balance set aside by the City for a
particular purpose
Unassigned Fund Balance The difference
between total fund balance and its
nonspendable, restricted, committed and
assigned components
Government-wide The City as a whole
Governmental Activities The City’s basic
services such as Police, Fire, Public Works
and Parks which are mostly funded by
property tax, sales tax and franchise fees
Infrastructure Assets Stationary assets of the
City that include streets, sidewalks, water,
sewer and drainage systems
Net Assets The difference between assets
and liabilities for the City as a whole
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