It’s that time of year again!
If you are interested in running for FWYC Flag or Board Member please notify Nominating Committee.
Nominations close in October and our annual election is in November.
Nominating Committee
Reddoch Williams, Chairman
850 863 3330
Scott Bailey 850 582 5945
Matt Chapman
850 609 0140
Chip Cook 678 517 4264
Shari Seaton 850 865 9042
[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]
FWYC Members Caught Being Nice
any thanks to FWYC volunteers Bill & Paula Bushelle for refurbishing a derelict dinghy and repurpos-
ing it as a cover for
a few water pipes. Bill &
Paula repainted the dinghy
and even added a FWYC
burgee and bow numbers.
Check out the new addi-
what a wondeful job they
Way to go, Bill & Paula!
tion, and let them know
have done.