Letter Log
September 2019
30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
Vice Commodore's Report
We have new picnic tables on the gazebo. Let’s all to do our part in
keeping the tables and areas clean and in good condition, and we will
enjoy them for years to come.
Our Sunrise Lanai and east side boardwalk are in grave need of repair.
The Sunrise Lanai was installed originally under PC Dave Vaughan’s
instruction in 2005, and has been enjoyed by many people since.
Unfortunately, we are not prepared financially at this time to provide
for full replacement, due to the many repairs and replacement
activities during the year. However, we will begin replacing a minor
portion of the walkway within the month. Due to the degradation, all
of us should keep clear of the boardwalk and lanai until the
replacement is complete. Volunteers are always needed for these
projects, please lend a helping hand if you are able. Keep an eye on
the Weekly Email for dates to help.
See you around the club,
Shari Seaton
2019 Vice Commodore FWYC