Fort Walton Yacht Club Letter Log
May 2018
30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
From t Office
By General Manager Eric Mattiza
Email: [email protected]
MAY IS HERE and full of stuff to do at the Yacht Club. We start off
with Derby day on the 5th! Come pick your horse and may the best
horse win! On the 8th and the 22nd we have some private parties.
May 13th is our Mother’s Day brunch, so please make those reser-
vations for this well attended event.
Memorial Day the Lounge will open at 1pm. Come on in and grab a refreshment.
We have tried the pasta bar on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and quarterly. So far, the
cost to do it outweighs the participation of the event. We have decided to cancel this mov-
ing forward. Thank you to those that enjoyed it!
Please give us a little time this month with food coming from the kitchen. With the loss of 2
cooks, we will be short staffed back there and doing our best to get it to you as quickly as
possible. Thank you for your understanding. We continue to look for suitable replacements,
but this time of year, with so many hiring seasonal, it is proving very difficult.
If there is anything needed from me feel free to email or call.