FWYC Letter Log May 2018 | Page 12

Fort Walton Yacht Club Letter Log May 2018
30 ° 25.60 ’ N 86 ° 35.58 ’ W
THE 2018 U . S . MULTIHULL CHAMPIONSHIP was hosted by the Fort Walton Yacht Club in conjunction with the WetaFest . 41 competitors ( 33 singlehanded , 4 doublehanded ) tallied 10 races during the week in a variety of conditions .
Legendary multihull sailor , Randy Smyth , won his record-setting fifth career Hobie Alter Trophy for the U . S . Multihull Championship .
The real story of this class and the ability to learn to sail the Weta was exemplified by 17-year-old Fort Walton High School junior , Cam Farrah . She placed 10th overall and mixed it up with the experienced multihull sailors admirably all week .