How Special is FWYC?
Membership 6
Taco Tuseday Food 8
Friday Specials 9
M.a.C. 9
Calendar 10-11
Ripples 14
Sailing Update 14
FCA 15
Easter Pictures 18-19
Cover: Marin McGee victoriously finds Easter Eggs.
Marin is the daughter of Matt & Courtney McGee.
Manager’s Comments 3
e have a busy month of May this year with activities of all sorts happening around the club. On May
6 is the Kentucky Derby Party. A private function for the Mental Health Association is on May
9. Mother’s Day is on May 14th. Blessing of the Fleet on May 20th. A private Luncheon on Tuesday the
23rd and 25th. Finally, to wrap it up we will have the lounge open on Memorial Day. We also have some
other sailing activities coming through the club in May.
I have been getting an awful lot of complaints about trash around the property. I want to assure you all that
the trash is being checked daily. However, as was the case the other day, when the maintenance guys go to
empty the trash and find tires from a trailer (hub and all), in the trash, we will never be able
to keep
up. Izzy works his tail off to stay on top of this stuff, along with Jimmy. But, not taking
the extra time to throw bulk items in the main dumpster in Dry Storage does
not help them help you. Thank you for paying attention to this sort of thing
and put large bulk items in the main dumpster.
I will be on vacation May 19-29. If anything is needed before I leave, please
let me know.
Look forward to seeing you at the club.
~ Eric Mattiza