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The Commodore’s
It is hard to believe we already
have 1/3 of this year in our
history books. I am amazed at
how fast the time has gone. We
have already accomplished so
many things this year and have
many more to come. I find
myself excited and invigorated
by all the activities we have
going on.
want to thank all of you that took the time to speak with
your Board Members, Finance Committee Members and
Flag Officers. We value your input and appreciate the
time you took to speak with us. The hallmark of a strong
organization is when we can discuss tough issues with
our fellow members and come to a mutual decision. I
know this increase impacts many members, but I know
through deliberation and debate we came to the best
decision for our organization. Thank you all for your
participation in the process and for following our motto
of F.U.N. (friendly, understanding and nice).
In closing, I look forward to seeing each of you at the
club this month. I want to challenge each of you to invite
a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family member down
to the club with you on a visit. I have also found a new
category to encourage you to invite. Recently, I seem
to have more and more doctor visits these days. I have
found that doctors, nurse practitioners, physician
assistants and nurses are people too. (The doctors and
nurses that are already members of the club helped me
come to the realization...:-)) They are looking for social
venues and fun things to do both on the water and on
land. I have become a "habitual inviter." Try it the next
time you have a medical appointment.
"Opening Day" this year followed a slightly different
format, but I was happy to see us complete our second
year of this new tradition. The FCA coordinated a
Blessing of the Fleet and Sundowner Ceremony,
while the Rear Commodore had a Lawn Party for the
entertainment in between, and the Fleet Captain had the
first Night Race of the season. It was great to have so
many activities happening in one day to set a tone for
Commodore Bobby Dewrell
our "season" this year.
We followed our "Opening Day" activit ies with our first
regular General Membership Meeting on April 13th.
While we did not have a quorum at the meeting, each
of the Flag Officers and the Finance Committee
presented a report to outline our "State of the Club".
I am happy to announce that at our April meeting, the
Board of Directors voted unanimously to host a Sea
Scout Ship here at Fort Walton Yacht Club. The Sea
Scouts is part of the Boy Scouts of America, and the
local "ships" are open to both boys and girls between
the ages of 14 and 21. I am very excited to have such
a wonderful youth program at our Club and to be
partnering in its growth and success with the Boy Scouts
of America. I know this will have a positive impact on
our club as well as the young men and women in our
In our April Meeting, the Board voted in favor of the
$15 dues increase that we have been discussing for the
past few months. This dues increase will go into effect
this month when dues are billed to members on the 25th.
I know this was a tough decision for our Board and I
[email protected]
Welcome Aboard
New Members
Edith (Ann) Johnston
Sharon Corey
Corbin Jones
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$ 5.00
$ 60.00
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~ Fort Walton Yacht Club, Established in 1951 ~