FWYC Letter Log March 2018 | Page 20

Fort Walton Yacht Club Letter Log March 2018 30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W Cruisin Round w Bay By Pat Tye - [email protected] THE FEBRUARY Cruisin Round the Bay was rained out. You remember that week- end? 12 inches of rain over 3 days? Boy can I pick the weather windows! Those who showed up for the skipper’s meeting made the joint decision to stay dry and not mis- erable and instead adjourn to a local eatery for breakfast. J oin U s A t A Q uiet A nchorage W ith F riends near the E astern end of C hoctawhatchee B ay M eet I n T he C astaway R oom A t 9 am O n T he 3 rd F or S kipper ’ s M eeting The March cruise will be headed by Bill Bushelle. We’ll try again for Hogtown Bayou as it is a really nice place to anchor out and socialize. As of this writing, Blue Moon hopes to be sailing to points as yet unknown for a month or so and Bill has kindly offered to step in and run the cruise. Thank you Bill. Alan & Jackie Chapman have agreed to organize the Spring Fling and have set a meeting for March 8th. Please plan on attending if you have any ideas or suggestions. If you want to be included in my email group updating cruisers about events, please email me and let me know. Items lost and found should be turned into the office. They will regularly be catalogued and placed in the coat closet located in the lobby. Items will be kept for 30 days at which point any unclaimed items will be discarded. Currently 3 jewelry items are being held in the office. If you lost them, please call Sandra and identify to be claimed. 20