FWYC Letter Log March 2014 | Page 12

Page 12 WOW - Women on the Water WOW - Any Female Airman Project WOMEN ON THE WATER of Fort Walton Yacht Club are proudly sponsoring this project again for 2014. The following note was received recently: Cocktail Party Thursday, March 20 5:30 p.m. in the Lounge Luncheon Thursday, March 6 11:30 a.m. in the Dining Room Your hostesses for March are Gethyn Giordano and Barbara MacPike. What I Like About WOW . . . nch great lu ving a Ha ! e ladies with th . ifer G - Jenn Outrag e interest ous, fun, ing lad ies! - Har ryette s er ladie meet oth reason y to imary reat wa It’s a g b! It’s my pr C. Y lu of the C a member at FW g ra M. for bein - Barba The Camarader ie! Plus sharing id eas and fun! - Lynne R. Getting to wonder know ful Wo men on the W better! ater - G in n y M. The opportunity to meet and talk with members I may not otherwise have an opportunity to communicate with, and further my Club involvement! - Wini ship with lunch, fellow nding endship, good Fri at the Club, fi male inded women like-m nd support fe p the Club, a country. ways to hel rotecting our iors overseas p warr - June It’s har d ke the Club eping up with th , and I e busy wo appr men of spend wit h the lad eciate the time I ies at W get to OW. - Ashle y friends, ting with old w friends, visi s! Making ne Bloody Mary and Tracie’s - Faye “It is not often that we receive “care packages” directed toward female Airmen! We live in a "man’s" world here in Afghanistan and accept that to the fullest, but sometimes it is great to know we are thought of as women as well!!! I wanted to take the time out to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your woman care package! Being a “Solider” means the world to me, however, times when we are deployed to remote locations can be very demanding and rigorous. When we go for weeks without mail and then mail comes. It is like Christmas for an 8 year old!! When we received a package that said for women it was AWESOME!!! We all wanted to see what was in the box and what great goodies we were blessed to receive! Knowing that your box was built with pride, love, and care for our Country and us Soldiers makes it that much better!! So, again, thank you from the bottom of my heart from every military person that you have made smile by taking the time to donate to us!! I thought I would give you a list of things that are always a hit with our ladies, just in case you decide to send more care packages: Beef Jerky, cracker packs, baby wipes, individual drink packages for bottled water, individual instant coffee, twizzlers, fruit snack packs, body spray, chap stick, nail clippers/nail file, peanut butter, paper and envelopes, almonds (or any variety nuts), foot powder, air freshener and any hygiene products. We have no way to microwave things or cook anything. I hope that if you decide to send any more boxes this helps out a little. THANK YOU!!!” All members of FWYC are urged to participate by leaving your donations for these ladies (items or monetary) in the special box in the Office (marked “Any Airman. com”), or give them to any of the WOW ladies a