FWYC Letter Log June 2018 | Page 17

Fort Walton Yacht Club Letter Log JUNE 2018 30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W HOMEPORT By Vice Commodore Craig Stoldt Email: VICE [email protected] AS I AM WRITING THIS, I give thanks to the weather gods for sparing our little spot in paradise from a major impact. I want to extend a hearty THANK YOU to all who respond- ed to the threat of Alberto and secured their own vessels, others they noticed needed attention and additional club property that could have been damaged if left unattended. This is the type of “can do” attitude that helps preserve the quality of our club. As far as planned projects, we are moving forward to get the work on the South Dock rehab started as soon as the contractor can get here. This will complete the 3 stage up- grade that started a few years ago. Speaking of upgrades, has anyone taken a look at the Brinckmann Pavillion? I managed to leave town to enjoy the Spring Fling. Upon arriving back to FWYC, I was astounded at the status of that structure. Jennifer Grant took charge in my absence and set forth a design concept that was then constructed by a team of very hard working volunteers. Thanks go out to Jennifer, Jan & Charles Hine, Gerry Harvey, Larry Hayes, Carson Smith, Sam Grant, Tammi Brant Mee, Erin & Brian Smith, Bill Ward, Jerry Black, Leslie Hanley, Kerrie Serpa. A special thanks to Steve Mee who showed up every day of the project and would not let “good enough” be “good enough” as he applied his carpentry skills to finish the project correctly with extra miters and odd angles. Go take a look – it is a structure to be proud of. Thanks to all who work on the projects and those who see little things that need done and just do them. 17