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A Message from our
General Manager
Hello club members!
This month is shaping up to be a
good month. Most importantly, we
celebrate our Independence Day!!
We will have a special meal that
night that is very true to the occasion.
Check the lobby for the poster and
watch for an email with details! We
also have the Meigs Regatta. With
that, the club is hosting the Meigs Madness Party that
is open to all club members as well as our guests that
are racing. The Rear Commodore has a Luau planned,
so grab those grass skirts and come have some fun!
We have three private parties this month. On 8 July is
the Bowlegs annual meeting, the 19th is the class of
1989 Choctaw High School Reunion, and 26 July is a
90th birthday party. It looks like we will have some
good outside revenue coming in.
Please welcome David back as he returned back from
his medical leave Tuesday, 24 June, to full duty. Also,
our chef had a little scare and was out for a few days
as well as Sandra. We're glad to have them all back
and working