FWYC Letter Log July 2014 | Page 14

Page 14 T�l� M� � St�ry . . . Our story this month involves a diverse group of yacht club members. All of us had the goal of enjoying each other’s company and a day at a baseball game. A crowd of 34 Fort Walton Yacht Club members and their families and friends went to Bayfront Stadium for a Blue Wahoos game against the Huntsville Stars. Some arrived by boat and others by car. We had racers, cruisers, day boaters, big boaters, small boaters and social members together for a great outing. The ticket price included an all-you-can-eat feast of hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, fruit, chips, cookies and brownies ... perfect summertime ball game fare. Soft drinks and water were also included but more lively liquid refreshments were available. Happily, all the choices were as good as what you’d find at your own family cookout and there was no need to wash the dishes afterwards ... from my perspective, just perfect. The day started out hot and humid, as is typical for Florida. The breeze cooled us off some, but we were surprised at the lack of shade provided by the structure of the ball park. Fortunately Mother Nature took pity on us and provided a very comfortable cloud cover for most of the game. So we heard our National Anthem with hand over heart pride, and then "PLAY BALL". If you have never been to a AA baseball game, you should give it a try, especially if you have youngsters. The ball club makes every effort to provide something for all ages. They have games and unique, quick contests such as the dizzy bat run, the bouncy horse race and of course the end of game “run the bases” for the little folks. Even if your team doesn’t win, you can have a good time just being a part of the crowd. If we have enough interest, we’ll try putting together another outing next year. The game started with a 1 run lead for the home team in the first inning, but that was it for a long 8 inning dry spell as the Stars racked up runs, 2 of which were over-the-fence homers. Ah well, we thought, at least the food is good. Then in the bottom of the 8th, we had the bases loaded and managed to eventually tie the score. Not many headed to the parking lot early now! The ninth inning saw a run for the Stars which was then matched by the Wahoos and off we went into overtime. The shouting, the cheering, and the crowd participation really ramped up now. The play was tight and tense, but our team managed to finally put up the winning runs in the bottom of the 11th inning. We actually had two players round in to home plate, but we only needed one to win. What a fun eruption of cheers followed along with a swarm of players and fans filling the infield ... A perfect ending just before the thunderstorms rolled in! If you have a story you would like to share or know someone with a story you think they should share, please let me know. You can contact me at [email protected] Pat Tye ~ Fort Walton Yacht Club, Established in 1951 ~