Fort Walton Yacht Club Letter Log
30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
Commodore’s Corner
By Commodore Craig Stoldt
email: [email protected]
I want to extend a big Thank You to our 2018 Commodore
Faye Black. Faye steered the club with the determination to
leave the club a better place than when she took office. She
kept the best interests of the club first in her decisions and
actions. I feel that I have inherited a vibrant, active and for-
ward moving organization. Her help over the last few weeks in
ensuring I understood how things are being done and by whom
will make the entry to this position much easier. Thank You,
Those who know me know that I have been an engineering
manager for many years. That role required that decisions be
made on input from my staff that had technical skills in certain
areas far exceeding mine. I am sure that this is the same at
FWYC. Thus, I encourage you to communicate with me regard-
ing the good, bad & ugly that you experience at the club. I am
not prone to instant decisions, but rather weigh data and along with my own perceptions
of what this club should be will form an agenda of how to move forward. I cannot say
that I have a specific agenda. Rather, I hope to encourage open interaction amongst all
members to move this wonderful institution forward. Communication rather than inuen-
do is the key to this happening. Please don’t let things fester. Let’s talk, let the governing
body make decisions and move forward as an entity.
As I write this, I am still amazed at the number of people that give their time and ener-
gy for the betterment of the club. People show up when work days are scheduled, when
they see a need and when they are asked directly based on their known skills. This is what
makes FWYC a club, not just a business entity. Just this past month, we had an “almost
member” (awaiting his second read), step forward and fix the main dock damage from
hurricane Michael. Give a hearty thanks to Clay Duhon when you see him. Others are
at the club and notice smaller things amiss and just take care of it rather than writing a
work order (please DO use these for larger issues so the need for action is known). As Vice
Commodore, I was asked to compile a list of peo-
ple to be recognized at the upcoming Awards
and Change of Watch ceremony. I had to search
through albums of pictures to recall all who helped
through the year. I’m sure I have missed several
who quietly go about making the club a better
place for us all. Thanks to all for a great year &
continue to feel pride in your ownership in the
well-being of this institution.
Thank you for the trust you have placed in me.
-- Craig Stoldt