FWYC Letter Log January 2018 | Page 4

Fort Walton Yacht Club Letter Log January 2018 30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W Best Overall & Best Sailboat Dream of the C’s - Craig & Cece Stoldt Best Parade Out of the Box Two Pot Screamer - David Vaughan Best Powerboat Richard & Diane Wells Florida Commodore’s Association By P/C Phyllis Seaton The entire FCA membership wishes for the Ft Walton Yacht Club membership good health and the best in life for the coming year – 2018. As we begin the New Year, I want to remind everyone that at the Awards and Change of Watch on Saturday, January 6 we will be announcing two recipients of awards sponsored by the FCA. We hope you have planned on attending as those that have been volunteering all year long deserve to be honored. 4