Fort Walton Yacht Club Letter Log
January 2018
Cruisin Round w Bay
30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
We usually try to raft up for at least Happy Hour
and some like to share other meals together as
well. If we’re adding a local restaurant to the
agenda, you have the option of joining the group
or eating aboard.
By Pat Tye - [email protected]
for 2018. After a hiatus, our monthly cruising
for one weekend a month is back. Every month
we’ll have some destination in Choctawhatchee
If you are completely new to cruising, there
Bay set for a cruising destination. We have one
will be seasoned salts to help with all aspects of
of the most wonderful bays in all
anchoring, raft-up, etc. so please
of Florida and the Gulf Coast to
don’t let inexperience slow
drop our anchors and enjoy the
you down. We are also family
27-28 J anuary
beauty around us. We also have
friendly and kids only add to the
a variety of fine waterfront eat-
B oggy B ayou
eries for non-boating members
to join us on occasion. If the
If you would like to organize
J oin U s A t A Q uiet A nchorage
weather proves too inclement for
one of the months’ trips, just let
W ith F riends
that weekend then we can always
us know. We are always open
T hen D inner A t O ne O f T he
choose, as a group, to cancel the
to the help and you may know
W aterside R estaurants
trip for that month.
some interesting spots that we
haven’t found yet.
M eet I n T he C astaway R oom
This January, we’ll be headed
A t 9 am O n T he 27 th
to nearby Boggy Bayou. There
Very casual, no stress weekend
F or S kipper ’ s M eeting
are several protected anchorages
cruising is a great way to hang
if the weather is good enough
out with other boaters, meet
to stay on the hook but there
new people, learn new tech-
are also options for slippage
niques, and see our gorgeous
with restaurants attached. We
area from a totally new perspec-
will be trying to arrange some slips as a back-
tive. For more information, please shoot us an
up for those interested in that option. We will
email or see one of us around the club.
announce in a club email those details after the
If you have never participated in a
club weekend cruise, here is how it
works. Every month a date