FWYC Letter Log February 2020 | Page 9

30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W February 2020 Steven Mee Awarded the 2019 FCA Meritorious Service Award Letter Log P/C David Vaughan Recipient of the Skip and Barbara Harrington Award Steven Mee accepts the Meritorious Service Trophy from FWYC-FCA Immediate past president P/C Dick Secord Jerry Black presents the Skip and Barbara Harrington Trophy to P/C David Vaughan Each year the FWYC chapter of the Florida Commodores Association (FCA) chooses a member who has gone above and beyond during the year volunteering in any aspect of the club. The presentation of the Skip and Barbara Harrington Trophy was initiated in 2017 and is awarded to a member, spouse or couple who have donated long-term continuous service to the Fort Walton Yacht Club. The trophy which is an antique winch represents the work horse of a sailing vessel. The 2019 recipient was P/C David Vaughan. Dave joined the club many years ago and immediate began volunteering to spearhead projects and make repairs where needed. It was not unusual to see Dave on the roof or repairing the plumbing. He has been the member you call when something needs fixing. He always had the answer and would show up to help if available. Steven Mee was chosen to receive the Meritorious Service Award for 2019. Steve has been extremely active in a host of club projects. Throughout the year Steve never turned down an opportunity to help out in any way he could. Steve worked diligently with Jennifer Grant on the building painting project. He used his carpentry and mechanical skills to replace several doors and wood prior to painting. In addition, Steve has been a most valuable asset in replacing the decking over the east seawall. Dave has worn many hats at the Fort Walton Yacht Club. He served as Commodore twice, Vice Commodore many times, and has been a member of the Board of Directors many times as well. Steve and his wife, Tammi in their boat have been ever present fixtures s mark set on the race courses at FWYC in freezing, cold weather and way too hot races in the bayou and the bay. Many thanks and CONGRATULATIONS, Dave! Steven Mee is a great asset to our club. His knowledge, patience, and ability to lead or follow in any project is impressive. The FCA (Florida Commodores Association) is the organization of the current commodore and past commodores and their spouses. Elizabeth Andrew 9