Letter Log
February 2020
Fleet Captain
FWYC Sailing News
The Frosty Nipple Viper Series
sailed 5 races on January 11 and
12. Brian Harrison and crew
members Alex Johnson and Eddie
Adams won the first place honors
for the weekend. Overall, 14
Vipers participated in the first of
the 3 weekend series. The next
Viper race is on February 1 and 2,
with a North Sails U Clinic on
Friday, January 31.
Fleet Captain
Sam Grant
Brian Harrison and crew, Eddie Adams and
Alex Johnson won First Place in the first
weekend Frosty Nipple Viper Series
The Frosty Nipple Portsmouth Series #3 was sailed on
January 26. After 3 races, Robert Harrison, racing a
Vanguard 15, had a first in all three races. Robert is
also the top competitor for the overall standings.
Eleven boats participated in the Sunday event.
30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
GYA News
On the weekend of January 17 – 19,
your Commodore and Fleet Captain attended
the Winter Meeting of the Gulf Yachting
Association (GYA). For those of you
unfamiliar with this organization, it has an
affiliation of 34 member clubs and 7 affiliate
members along the Gulf Coast from Texas to
Tampa Bay. This organization promotes
competitive one-design and PHRF racing
throughout the region. FWYC hosts the annual
Meigs Regatta as part of the series. At the
January Winter Meeting, discussion centered
around this being the 100th anniversary of the
GYA and the Sir Thomas Lipton Challenge.
There are special races during the regular GYA
regattas and merchandise is offered to
commemorate this anniversary year. There are
still a very limited number of Centennial Books
available for $60. Logo merchandise can be
obtained through Coral Reef Sailing Apparel.
Southern Yacht Club in New Orleans will be
hosting the 100th Sir Thomas Lipton Challenge
on Labor Day weekend at a free or minimal
cost to attend. That event and possibly others
will include racing of Fish Class boats – the
original one design boat use for GYA interclub
The Zevin PHRF Series sailed the second race on
January 5. Leading the big boats after two races is
Craig Wilusz and crew on the Viper 830.
Upcoming Sailing Events
February 1 - 2 - Frosty Nipple Viper Series #2
February 9 - Zevin # 3
February 16 - Frosty Nipple Portsmouth #4
Feb 29 - Mar 1 Frosty Nipple Viper Series #3
WNFRs March 11 - September 30!
Fleet Captain Sam Grant accepting the GYA Norton
Brooker Trophy from GYA Immediate Past Commodore
Shan Kirk at the GYA Winter Meeting. The FWYC
winners of the trophy were Ian Hunter, Seth Cook, Kip
Keelin and Camille McGriff. Ian and crew won the trophy
for their finish in the 2019 Mallory Cup, which was sailed
at the Beverly Yacht Club in Marion, Massachusetts in
September. Competitors from around the country competed
in this event. Congratulations Team FWYC!