30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
February 2020
Letter Log
Board Meeting Highlights
January 21, 2020
● Boat Ramp - work will begin on February 3.
Members should used alternate launching ramps
in the area for February
Here we are off and running
on a new year. Cece and I hope
those of you that attended the
Winter Ball enjoyed
yourselves – I know we did.
The Change of Watch included
recognition of those that
volunteered their time and
talents for various projects,
Craig Stoldt
committees, etc. during 2019.
It is amazing how many people stepped up to
ensure FWYC continues to be the fine place
to be for recreation and comradery. For those
that may have missed it, David Vaughan was
awarded the Skip & Barbara Harrington
Award for his long-term contributions of
time and talent. Also of note, Steve Mee was
presented the FCA Meritorious Service
Award for his volunteer work during 2019.
Thanks also to all those that have stepped
forward this year for officer positions and the
myriad of committee positions that keep this
club going.
Looking ahead, we have a lot of activities
on the February calendar. The launch ramp
will be closed for a rebuild starting February
3 for 3 weeks, Tom has some new ideas for
Friday dining, there are 2 Viper regatta
weekends, a Super Bowl potluck, Fat
Tuesday and of course a Valentine dinner.
There has to be something there to entice you
to the club. Hope to see you there !!
● Finance Committee reported that December
was an outstanding month at FWYC
• Accrual funds for 2019 were paid in full,
unfunded accruals from previous years
were reduced by $6,000
● Bylaw proposal - change in age limit for
NWFSC Sailing Club Members
● GYA clubs require a 2020 sticker to enjoy their
clubs. Stickers are available in the Office.
Board Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of
each month, at 7 pm. All members are welcome to
What is the FWYC Appointments
This committee provides guidance and continuity
on all matters relating to the decor
of the interior and exterior of the
Club. As chair of this
committee, I am always looking
for member ideas for improvements
around the club. Recent examples are
the new lobby furniture and upgraded
bulletin board in the hallway. If you
have any suggestions, please contact
me and I will bring them forward to the
Thank you,
Cece Stoldt, Appointments Committee Chair
Email: [email protected]
P.S. We are still searching for a Letter Log
Allen Klein