30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
February 2020
Letter Log
Women on the Water (WOW) serves the women of FWYC as they serve the Club itself. We are focusing
on including as many new members as possible by providing a social venue for exchanging ideas and
experiences. All FWYC ladies are invited and encouraged to participate.
Our regular schedule is a cocktail party on the evening of the first Thursday of each month, and our
luncheon on the third Thursday. The monthly cocktail party begins at 5:30 pm in the Lounge and offers
you a choice of a light snack from the Lounge menu (optional) and/or a drink special for the evening.
Lunch begins at 11:30 am (or whenever you can come) in the FWYC Commodores Room, with meal
choices from the Club menu.
Our next monthly cocktail party will be on the evening of Thursday, 6 February; our next WOW Luncheon
will be on Thursday, 20 February. Come and enjoy exchanges of your favorite stories, ideas and
experiences! You never know what might come up, so be sure to join in the fun!!
BE THERE!! Be sure to put these two WOW activities on your calendar NOW!!
Lynne W. Reynolds, WOW Coordinator