Letter Log
February 2019
30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
Commodore's Corner
Happy February!
Your Flag Officers have put together a calendar of social events
and sailing activities that should include something to peak
your interest. February continues the two cold weather race
series for both small and large boats as well as a fine dinner to
wine and dine your Valentine.
As for ongoing club business, we have entered into an agreement
with ECSA and Northwest Florida State College to jointly hire
a full-time sailing director. NWFSC will start up a collegiate
sailing team using our ‘point’ as a venue and both ECSA and
FWYC will offer the use of boats for lessons etc.
As far as committees go, nearly all committee chairs have been
named and committee membership formed. I have one
important one yet to fill: we need someone to chair the
Hurricane Preparedness Committee. Please let me know if you
are interested.
Hope to see you at Our Club.