FWYC Letter Log February 2017 | Page 14

“ Taco ” Tuesday

During Thanksgiving 2016 , my extended family -- I and my two sisters , their husbands and kids -- gathered in Davidson , NC for the holiday . One of my sisters and her husband have a home there , and they are members of a yacht club which is located on nearby Lake Norman : The Peninsula Yacht Club in Cornelius , NC . I knew that we might end up visiting their yacht club , and eager to take part in the tradition of exchanging burgees upon visiting another yacht club , I brought a FWYC burgee on the trip in case the opportunity presented itself . Sure enough , we visited the Peninsula Yacht Club , but since it was a spur-of-the-moment visit , their Commodore and other members of their

Bridge were not available . Nevertheless , I met their club ’ s general manager , Mr Bruce Furman , and we exchanged burgees . He was most appreciative -- the Peninsula Yacht Club is still a fairly new club , and is earnestly working to build their collection of exchanged burgees . We can proudly say that a Fort Walton Yacht Club burgee now hangs in their club ! I presented the burgee I received from Peninsula Yacht Club to FWYC Commodore Ray Dewrell at our January board meeting , as you can see in this picture . I can ’ t wait to see it proudly displayed in our Club !
~ Jerry Vaughan
Feb 7th - Tacos Feb 14th - Tuna Casserole

“ Taco ” Tuesday

Feb 21st - Tacos Feb 28th - Red Beans & Rice

The members of the Fort Walton Yacht Club Women on the Water are supporting the USO in providing items needed by traveling members of the U . S . Military , and their families , in their USO FREEDOM LOUNGE , located right here at the Northwest Florida Regional Airport . This facility serves incoming and outgoing troops which average more than 2,500 military visitors per month . During a recent visit to the Lounge by WOW representatives , Diane Freeman , Center Supervisor , expressed gratitude for the generous donations and continued support by WOW and FWYC members . Located across from the ticketing area , the USO Freedom Lounge provides snacks , drinks , comfortable seating , books , video games , a children ’ s play area , WiFi network , and other amenities . ALL members of the Fort Walton Yacht Club are encouraged to bring donations to the Club office ( see the special gold box ), or contact any member of WOW . Many thanks to all members who continue to generously support this important project .

~ Lynne W . Reynolds , POW Chairman

W . O . W . USO Project