Letter Log
August 2019
30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
From The Office
The club made a small profit in the month of July and continues the trend
of being profitable every month this year. Transfers were made to all the
fund accounts and accrual accounts as well. The growth of dues paying
members continues to trend in a positive direction and usage of the club is
still increasing.
All of the feedback from the board and various committees regarding the
new menu have been received and several changes have been implemented.
We are updating the POS system this week and should be ready to release
the new menu next week. We are excited about the changes and hope the
members appreciate some new options for dining at the club.
The investing for your retirement seminar, put on by Cherry Wealth
Advisors was a big success and several of our members have made
appointments to meet one on one with them. We plan on hosting more of
these in the future.
Our first quote for the new walk-in cooler came in higher than expected
but still within the amount approved by the board. We are looking at
other options and other suppliers to give us a quote.
Work has started on the ceiling tile replacement project. All of the soiled
tiles in the Commodore’s Room have been replaced and we have started
replacing tiles in the lounge. With the addition of new lights and tables,
the lounge is going to look very nice.
We are going to be working in the lounge for a couple of weeks, so we are
requesting that bridge players utilize the Commodore’s Room. This will
make it easier for the staff to better serve them and cut down on traffic in
the lounge. Often, the ladies leave after the lunch staff has gone home
and the lounge staff has to clean up before opening. We are hopeful that
this change will work better for all parties.
We now have a new dishwasher in the lounge that is better suited to a
food service environment. We rent the dishwasher from Ben E. Keith like
the one in the kitchen. The chemical levels are serviced on a regular basis
and the glasses should be coming out cleaner and fully sterilized.
Work on the hood vents will start this week and we should have repairs to
the system completed soon. This will result in cleaner air throughout the
building and improve working conditions for the kitchen staff.
Clay Duhon should start repairs to the main dock this week and he will
fix the sag in the docks and replace the damaged cross beams. Several
large bolts are bent or have split the beams and have to be replaced. He
will also pull the piling next to pump out station and install it between
slip 105 and slip 106.
See you around the club!