FWYC Letter Log April 2019 | Page 2

Letter Log April 2019 30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W Commodore's Corner Wow ! It’s April already. This month offers you plenty of ways to fool around at the club. We start off with the General Membership & Mongolian barbeque on the 7th. There will the Easter activities for all on 4/21, The sailors kick into gear on the 17th with the start of Wednesday Night racing. The WETAs will be here starting the 11th. As the weather warms, the swim platform will be ready courtesy of ECSA. And FWYC will host students from NWFSC for a sailing introduction day – planned for the 14th. We also expect the hoist to be in place this month, too. On the administrative side, I am pleased to report that John Farris has agreed to chair the Hurricane Preparedness Committee – Thanks, John. Also, give a hearty welcome to our new lounge manager, Eliana Lots going on -and there should be something there for all. No FOOLING ! See you around the Club ! Craig 2