Letter Log
April 2019
30° 25.60’N 86° 35.58’W
FCYC Report
As many of you know, our Club is a member of the Florida Council of
Yacht Clubs (FCYC). This means that YOU AND EVERY REGULAR
KEEP READING.....This membership keeps us aware of happenings in
other member clubs, gives us an ear, and a voice, on what is taking place
in the legislature that may impact our Club. In addition, our
membership in FCYC affords our regular members reciprocal privileges
at other member clubs.... the ability to charge your food and drink to
your FWYC club number and one free night of dockage at the various
clubs. Many members travel by boat to some or all of the 36 Member
Clubs … ask some our cruisers about that. But you can travel by car and
stop in to any of these clubs
(http://www.floridacouncilofyachtclubs.com/member_clubs.htm) for
dinner, a drink or just to see the sunset... [it is always a good idea to have
your FCYC club card and/or a letter of introduction... you can get one
from the office Best to call ahead and get an idea of circumstances at the
club and dress for the day]. The Office has FCYC Cruising Guides which
give you information and directions to the club(s) by land and sea...
A number of clubs, especially those in south Florida, have put restrictions
on dockage and reservations during weekends and special occasions. This
is mostly because their own membership has grown and on weekends and
special events, they are having to turn away their own members from the
dining room. As a result some are limiting the number of dinner
reservations from other clubs. Also St Petersburg Pass-a-Grille Beach
location has closed its dockage to all except St Petersburg members.
This just reinforces paragraph 1.....”.
The florida legislature has started the 2019 session .. The Governmental
Affairs committee, with help from our lobbying representative Johnson
and Blanton have summarized a large number of items that are being
considered and appropriations:
If you have any input or any related questions just let me know and I'll
see if we can follow up for you.