Reaching the Masses One Multitude at a Time!
Who We Are and What We Do
The Church of Christ Broadcast Network (COCBN) is a Christian operated online broadcast network for
the churches of Christ. Our goal is to establish a global broadcast network while uplifting the
technological abilities of the local congregations.
•To educate the brotherhood of Christians about the importance and methods of technology to
deliver the gospel of Christ, edify the saints, and minister to people.
•To place the COCBN Media Player on church of Christ websites around the world.
•To assist local congregations around the world in building their technology/media ministries.
•To provide information that is easily accessible through the use of broadcast media.
•To provide an online community of members, ministries, and Christian businesses.
The Church of Christ Broadcast Network - COCBN was founded by brother in Christ, Hammond Burke. In
2003, Burke was inspired to create a broadcast network that would give local congregations the ability
to spread the gospel around the world using the latest in web and streaming video technology.
As a member of the Mountain View Church of Christ in Dallas, TX, Burke was inspired by Minister J. K.
Hamilton to help develop technology at this congregation. While serving as Mountain View's Minister of
Technology under the guidance of Bro. Hamilton and the congregation's leadership, Burke established
the Church of Christ Broadcast Network - COCBN to assist Mountain View (the first to stream through
COCBN) and other congregations in building technology ministries and developing methods of
streaming video.
Burke was further inspired by the late Johnnie Wilder, Jr. in 2004 when Bro. Wilder asked Burke to build
the first 100% a cappella online radio broadcast Developing this broadcast was
the fuel needed to push COCBN ahead. With the assistance of the Wilder family, that effort still lives on
Over the years, COCBN has provided technology for various congregations and church of Christ
God brought everything into place including the widespread availability of broadband Internet, social
networking such as Facebook, and a cluster of ministers and church leaders who sought the use of
streaming technology for their ministries. As COCBN continued to develop streaming media
technology, it has now come to a point where it is even possible to broadcast from every part of the
globe the one gospel of Christ.
Churches of Christ such as Central Pointe Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas (Burke's home congregat