Photographer Katie Snyder was born and raised in northeast Tennessee in a small town of about 5,000 people. After studying photography at a private college, Katie and her husband moved to Atlanta in 2006 and she have been full time ever since. That small business venture has now grown more than Katie could have ever imagined - they now have a full time editor, 4 photographers, a handful or videographers, a photo booth team, and office help on board. “I'm very blessed to work with such talented people,” said Katie. When asked who her biggest inspiration is, this is what Katie had to say, “It might sound cliche, but I have to say that my husband, Dan, is my biggest inspiration in life. In the 12 years I've known him, I have watched him work so hard at the things that are important to him. But, more than that, he inspires me to be a kinder person in every way, to think outside of the box when making decisions, and to work less and enjoy life more. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me!”

Katie declared photography her minor in college on a whim, because she thought it sounded like fun. Looking back, she realizes now that she had always enjoyed taking photos and looking at photos in magazines; however, it had never crossed her mind that it could actually be a career.

After she began taking photos for friends and family, Katie decided to give having a business a shot and she hasn't looked back since. [Smiling] “Being a photographer has been a rewarding career in a lot of ways. I get great joy out of showing my clients how beautiful they are and that they don't have to look or act like a model to look great in their photos. I've had the honor of documenting the most important days in a lot of peoples' lives, whether that's a wedding day or documenting their children growing up. So, it's a fun job! It's also ten times harder than I ever could have imagined it would be and I work very long hours. So, it's a give and take,” she said. Katie’s says her biggest challenge has probably been learning to set boundaries for herself and learning to say "no". “I'm a people pleaser by nature and I want everyone to have a wonderful experience! But, the texting clients at all times of the day and night and never taking a day off had to stop. It wasn't fair to my husband and it wasn't fair to me. And, I've learned that people are very accommodating and respectful of boundaries when you communicate them properly.”

We asked Katie where she sees her business in the next two years and she said she sees the business continuing to grow. “I think we will need to bring another editor onto the team, as well as more photographers and office support. I'm looking forward to it! The photography industry is swamped with people trying to make a living at it! I don't say this to discourage anyone, but I think it's something that people starting out should be aware of. It's very possible to make a comfortable living in this profession, but it takes a lot of hard work, too! You must become a master at the craft. Read and watch every youtube tutorial you can! Take classes! Pursue friendships with people in the industry and pick their brains (remember they are VERY busy, so offer to help them in return if you can). Prepare to work long, hard hours, but to have a lot of fun, too!”

One of Katie’s favorite quotes is: "A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for." (anonymous) “I'm learning how prevalent fear has become in our society. For some people, it can affect every thing they do! When it comes to finding your life's work and doing something you are passionate about, there's always going to be something easier out there. Something safer. But, I believe, that you owe it to yourself to take a risk on doing something you love. You might just succeed,” said Katie.



22 fuzionzmagazine.com Jul/Aug 2014