Sense of Folly
His one brave act endured harsh criticism and the wrath of skeptics for twenty nine years before a whole nation realized the economic benefits his purchase presented. Seward’s folly, so skeptics labelled the purchase of Alaska from Russia.
The major decisions one make motivated by choice, religious beliefs, race and all other aspects of life entails a measure of intuition and the rarely used by most the sixth sense. The society has inadvertently created and normalized the set rules one cannot cross when making important decisions. This has given birth to the greatest enemy of decision making known as FEAR.
Yet those who crossed this bridge of fear achieved heroic status. Human history celebrates those who break common sense and laws and listen to their sixth sense. Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr and Mahatma Gandhi are few examples. The genesis of their actions were folly in the eyes of those engulfed by the sense of fear yet vindication became theirs.
These and many other heroes have reshaped what use to be normal. Major questions arise from these points highlighted so far which calls for one to personally find answers.
Will you allow the fear factor in you to cloud your very intuition and sixth sense? Has fear got you stuck in a relationship and entangled in any partnership motivated by societal views? Do you accept the sacrifice in terms of time and stigmatization that will befall you in trying to make clear your real know how?
Possible solutions keep surrounding us and yet we still have to search for them. Typical answers rest on each person. Subsequent articles will share more light.
by Kwabena Amponsah