Fuzionz Magazine and TV Summer Issue | Page 23

ing to increase student achievement and parental involvement in education? I prefer the term educational support professional because I serve as a liaison of sorts by supporting learners and parents in a capacity that most classroom educators would like to but can’t due to time constraints. Classroom educators can only do so much research and after-school tutoring to support students who need one-on-one attention before they have to take care of themselves and their families. As an educational support professional, I am a bridge builder. In addition to making a difference in the movement to increase parental involvement in education with my guide for parents, “Parent Support: 30 Ways to Support Your Child’s Education”, Jackson Education Support services and products are offered to learners of all ages in literacy, math, and science.

Q: At what age does your services start?

A: Services are offered to learners of all ages. Though my classroom experiences are with secondary and higher education students, parents and grandparents of elementary students comprise a greater percentage of my clientele since launching Jackson Education Support.

Q: What does your services include?

A: A full list of support options is provided on the website (www.je411.com/support-options) and includes in-person and online services. This means different things for different clients as services are personalized to meet each client’s specific needs. Whereas some clients may prefer a more closely monitored experience involving interpreting feedback from classroom educators and internal assessments (e.g., learning style assessment, diagnostic assessment, Socratic questioning) to develop weekly personalized learning plans, others may

need guidance on completing projects or preparing for an exam. Still, organizations benefit from specialized support for small groups.

Q: How has your services helped others and have you received a lot of positive feedback on the program?

A: I’m happy to report that Jackson Education Support is fulfilling its mission to develop more independent learners in literacy, math, and science subjects. Since the initial publication of “Parent Support: 30 Ways to Support Your Child’s Education”, requests for feedback have been exceptionally positive. Educators, parents, and community leaders appreciate the book’s simplicity as well as the diverse strategies backed by educational research. I believe that developing more independent learners begins at home, which is what “Parent Support” helps to accomplish. On the services side, parents and learners appreciate the flexibility, personalization, accessibility, and compassion which comprise the foundation of Jackson Education Support.

Q: Where do you hope to see the program going in the next year or so? Are you looking to expand?

A: In the next year, growth is expected. As clients gain independence, they attend fewer sessions and need less support. This process is bittersweet. I definitely look forward to supporting more learners online and in-person. One-on-one educational support is essential for many learners to succeed, so expansion is mandatory. I continuously seek opportunities to connect with education professionals in the public and private sectors as well as parents. The intention in doing so in-