Fuzionz Magazine and TV Summer Issue | Page 53

started dealing with the pain of death of my marriage, all of those memories of childhood violations and other incidents resurfaced and started flooding my mind and thoughts to the point that I could not rest. I began to journal my thoughts and feelings because I really didn’t know what else to do with them. My entries became longer and longer. One day “write a book” kept coming to my mind. Naturally, I dismissed it at first. But those words kept dropping into my spirit to the point it seemed like it was nagging me. I knew was God. Then it was revealed to me that when writing the book, it would be therapeutic for me, but once it is released, it would be for someone else. I knew that in order for me to heal through writing this book and for it to truly make an impact on someone else’s life, I had to be transparent so I knew that I would have to sacrifice my privacy to help someone else heal. I really did not want to write this book but I had to be obedient.

The title is a statement that says just because there may have been some damage caused in your life or your heart and spirit may have been broken but that does not mean that you can’t recover and be restored. “What’s broken can be fixed. What’s destroyed is lost forever.”

Q: What audience do you mainly target when writing?

A: For my book, Broken But Not Destroyed: Restoration is Possible, women are the target, however, I do believe that any man who reads it may be moved or inspired in some fashion.

The daily affirmations book I am writing will target women as well.

The success book will be beneficial to women and men.

Q: What advice would you give to those who are inspired to write?

A: If you are writing non-fiction, own your story and allow your readers to “experience” it by being as detailed and descriptive as possible. Although it’s your story, write it in a way that others can connect with you as the author.

Also, take your time and organize and write

down an outline of the book before you start writing. Decide what you want to write about in general and then write down all of the things you want to include. Decide how many chapters you want to write and select chapter names based upon the information you want to include in the book. This will help you to break the book down in segments as you write and allow you to focus on one chapter’s content at a time instead of just randomly writing and have things all over the place which will cause the book to not flow well. Allow one chapter to lead into another so your readers can follow you on the journey.

Q: Give us one of your favorite quotes or scriptures and why it’s your favorite.

A: My favorite scripture is II Corinthians 4: 8-9

8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

This is the foundational scripture for Broken But Not Destroyed: Restoration is possible.

My favorite quote, which is my own is: “Brokenness doesn’t have to be permanent if you have the courage to pick up the pieces of your life and move on.”

Q: Please tell us anything else you may want the readers to know.

My current book, Broken But Not Destroyed: Restoration Is Possible, is available at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com or can be purchased directly from my website.

For more information about me or my services or to book me for an event, my website is www.jmonroeconsulting.com.

I am active on social media and my Twitter handle is @jmonroewisdom and my Facebook page is J. Monroe Consulting, Coaching & Speaking.

Be Blessed Always!