Fuzionz Magazine and TV Summer Issue 2013 | Page 33

With John Resnover Fuzionz Magazine stepped into “Tha Reel Hapz” world of John Resnover. The Indianapolis, Indiana native is truly talented beyond measure. He is the CEO & Founder of THA REEL HAPZ, a magazine which he started in 2003, to make an impact on the Hip Hop culture by allowing Artists to display their talents or concerns. Fuzionz Magazine: Tell us who John Resnover is? John: I’m laid back, low key; just the type of brother who loves aiding and assisting others. I have real love of the arts. I gave back to others through my music and assisted those who were in the process of coming up. I’ve always believed in allowing people to say what’s on their mind, even if it was through free-styling. I try to inspire people through my music, my failures and successes and let them in on my world view. I look at it as a form of therapy. Through the process, it has helped me to learn about myself and others, as well. It eventually branched off into The Reel Hapz magazine. Through the magazine, others are able to give their insights and views about the world; tell their stories and share their experiences with other people. Fuzionz Magazine: What inspired you to start Tha Reel Hapz Magazine? John: I used to write commentaries and Rap. No one had ever done that in Indianapolis and I felt like I could be the one to spark things off for local Artists in the neighborhood, to produce recognition for them. At the time Rap was taking a hard hit, so Tha Reel Hapz gave every day people a chance to weigh what Rap meant to them. I interviewed outside people, pastors; anyone who wasn’t affiliated with Rap, to get their views. Fuzionz Magazine: What are your views on Rap? John: It’s a tool that can be utilized to bring awareness to topics that aren’t readily discussed in public form and to share one’s experience, in terms of their trials and tribulations. It can be utilized to educate and enlighten the masses to problems that aren’t easily seen; to uncover issues that often go unmentioned. Fuzionz Magazine: What advice would you give to our young people who are looking to get into the Rap industry? John: Write, enhance your vocabulary so you want be limited or repetitive. Tell your life story. If you want to entertain, then entertain, but mix some of your life story up in it. Be true to who you are and what you really feel and don’t be guided by the thoughts and opinions of others. If you get into this industry, ask yourself why are you doing it? Are you doing it because you love it or are you doing it for monetary gain? Most importantly, don’t be afraid to stumble in the writing process.