Fuzionz Magazine and TV Spring Issue | Page 94

with no windows in it, in zero below weather to go to school to get off welfare. To see her work hard for us gave me the gall to work. Seeing the abuse she went through, inspired me not to hurt a woman. I told her that I would never hurt a woman like that. I made a faithful commitment to God not to do it. The second person, that I hope one day will hear something that I say and that we are placed in a position where we can talk or do something, is Deitrick Haddon. The reason why is because I have labeled myself as the Deitrick Haddon of rap music. (A true story) Deitrick Haddon was working on an album and at the beginning of the album he did an introduction The storm is over, the storm is over, the season is being broken and I used to play that song over and over and when I played it over I got the name of my album and at the same time I was going through things. I was sleeping in my bed one night and I heard his song in my mind, The Finished Prayer and I was like “Oh My God” and I wrote down the last three words of that song and I went all day looking for his music. I needed some type of ingredient to make my album. I made the album, I wrote the album, but Deitrick (indirectly) showed me how to give God’s music in the form of rap music. Deitrick Haddon inspired me to write the music the way that I do, but with love and to keep that love in rap music. One of my favorites that I

have out is “Can You Love Me like Jesus.” My third inspiration would be Jesus, because He shows me how to be a man. He shows me, as a good man, you can’t hurt a woman. The word changes us from the inside out. To know that Jesus walked this earth and died on the cross for me… Who am I? It helped me to understand my purpose in this life. It helped me to understand that everything that is given to me has helped me to bless someone, touch someone’s life or show love to someone. So I named myself Tha Corinth and I’m bringing that love to rap music. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, I make declarations to grow closer to God in some way.

FUZIONZ MAGAZINE AND TV: Give me your favorite scripture and why it’s your favorite scripture.

THA CORINTH: My favorite scripture is 1 Corinthians 13: 4-11. As you can tell my name is Corinth. Here is why. To know how to love someone, you have to be taught. We, as men, always try to love women our way and the bible gives clear instructions on how to do that, but we don’t follow it. We don’t want to follow it until we lose the woman and when we lose the woman, we still don’t learn from the mistakes. I Corinthians 13 is my favorite verse because of the love there. I never knew what it was like to be loved by somebody. I’ve always chased love and I’ve always